Sunday, September 4, 2011


Sometimes a journal isn't enough. Sometimes you need to write letters to the people that you have stuff to say to but can't or won't be able to do it face to face. So that is what this blog is. Letters that I have to write and probably will never send. When my ex and I were apart for various reasons, we would write in notebooks for each other and exchange when we were together again. I loved doing that. I am the writer though and he wasn't. I would fill up a notebook in no time and he would try but usually only got 5 or 6 letters in. Those letters were and will always be special though.
I decided to start this blog today because this weekend has been a rough one for me. There has always been a tradition since I moved home from Washington. My circle of friends and I would spend Labor day camping. My ex and I were best friends before we started dating. This camp out was always our place. This is how we actually hooked up. Since the ex boyfriend and I broke up last winter and this is our first labor day camp out apart, our friends invited us both but I decided against going. We are working on becoming friends again. I love him with all my heart and want him to be happy. I am working very hard to find myself and change things in my life that aren't working also. I am happy and have moved on but no one is perfect. If we both had been at this camp out, it would of been ackward and hard for both of us. Our friends are drama queens and kings. They think we shouldn't be friends anymore. We should have drama even though we don't. So it would of been hard on them to see us like we used to be. Both of us are seeing new people. If we had brought our new friends with us, I know we both would not of been ready to see that.
Some of my friends have told me that I am being stupid by not going to this event. They understand how hard it was for me the first few weeks but it has been months and I should be over it. I seriously thought they would be happy and understand my decision. Apparently I don't know them very well at all. Apparently they aren't really my friends either. I am trying to rid this kind of drama from my life so I am going to vent letters to a few of these people so I won't have to think about it anymore.
Thanks for stopping by.